Sculpture Daphne IDaphne IPlaster1993127" x 60" x 24"The BrideThe BridePlaster1993103" x 60" x 40"ThaliaThaliaPlaster199380" x 78" x 58"RoseThe RoseWood, plaster1998136" x 21" x 21"KingKing, Southern Yellow Pine, 1998QueenQueen, Walnut, 1998WarriorWarrior, Cherry, 1998WeddingWedding, Bronze, 1996, 116" x 12" x 12"AglaiaAglaia, Steel, 1999, 76" x 24" x 12"Wedding IIWedding, Spoon, fork, mixed media on steel ,1988, 72" x 48" x 5"TrtipodTripod, Steel, cloth, 1993, 00" x 48" x 60"The PostmanThe Postman, Bronze, copper, steel, 1999, 17" x 12" x 8"The Girl With Gold SocksThe Girl With Gold Socks, Steel, bronze, 1993, 91" x 25" x 12"Tall LynnSunflowerSisters in the ParkSisters In The Park, Bronze, 1993, 14" x 15" x 8"Love Longing and the Transmutation of Matter into SpiritIcarusIcarus, Steel, 1998, 124" x 40" x 34"Dimensions 95 x 54 x 20Dimensions 95 x 54 x 20Girl With a MoleGirl With A Mole, Bronze, 1997, 26" x 6" x 5"Fork Descending a StaircaseFork Descending A Staircase, Bronze, Fork, 1997, 11" x 3" x 7"EuphrosyneDaphne IVDaphne IIIDaphne III, Bronze, 1999, 29" x 14" x 8"Daphne IIBalzacAxisMundiDream of the Night WatchDream Of The Night Watch, Steel, 1995, 125" x 96" x 80"